Bootstrap Themes

About the podcast and its creator

Nodycast is the podcast on Nonlinear Dynamics, the essential theory that governs pretty much everything on earth and beyond, and is an outreach activity for the Springer Nature journal, Nonlinear Dynamics. It is hosted by Prof. C. ‘Nat’ Nataraj, Senior Editor. Nat is the Moritz Endowed Chair Professor of Engineered Systems at Villanova University, Villanova, PA, USA. He is also the Director of Villanova Center for Analytics of Dynamic Systems (VCADS), an interdisciplinary research center. Nat has been an active educator and researcher in dynamic systems since 1980 and is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief of Springer Nature's Journal of Vibration Engineering Technologies.


Our mission is to broaden and energize research interest in nonlinear dynamics by creating a media platform that is both instructive and entertaining. We aim to create lively and interesting podcasts highlighting both fundamentals and applications of the broad area of nonlinear dynamics, and hence, dynamic systems in general. The shows features panel discussions, interviews, guidelines for junior researchers, tutorials, etc. [Do send us topic suggestions!]


Nodycast is supported by a grant from Springer Nature; our thanks to Ms. Anita Lekhwani, Executive Editor at Springer. We are grateful to Professor Walter Lacarbonara for his enthusiastic and energetic support of our mission. The theme music, used with permission, is appropriately called Dynamic, was written by Stephen William Cornish, with some editing by Neha Nataraj.

Legal Stuff

Nodycast is a nonprofit initiative and is a labor of love! Please do note that all contents are copyrighted by the host, Dr. Chandrasekhar Nataraj and may not be used in any way without permission. Just contact me if in doubt.